
Build Error: "C1083 Cannot open include file: 'fbxsdk.h': No such file or directory"

Matthew Kapfhammer 8 years ago updated by Sam Johnson 3 weeks ago 8
Posting this in case anyone else also manages to gloss over a step in the compiling instructions: http://support.neoglyphic.com/topics/15-compiling-from-source/. :)
If you see the error "C1083 Cannot open include file: 'fbxsdk.h': No such file or directory", you simply forgot to install the FBX SDK. Since I needed to compile with VS2015, I had to use FBX SDK version 2016.1.2 (contains the fix for the FBXX-1009 regression in 2016.1). At the moment, you can download from this page: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/item?siteID=123112&id=24746731. Please note that AD does change the URLs frequently, so you might need to search for "2016.1.2".
If you hit any VS/FBX SDK related issues, you might want to check this thread: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/fbx-forum/visual-studio-2015-support/td-p/5729941.



Thanks for the tip Matt


Thanks for the tip Matt

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Thanks for the heads up! Dealing with the 'C1083' error was a puzzle until I stumbled upon your post. Installing FBX SDK version 2016.1.2 did the trick for me, and your provided links were a lifesaver. Sharing this for others facing the same compiling hiccup. ecomfist

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