touching Fur with mesh avatar hands?

gbernal 7 years ago updated by john Michael 1 month ago 2


I have a fur in my scene that I would like to "pet" but I don't know how to go about doing the collision between my avatar's hand mesh and Neofur. Could you please provide advice or reference to an example.




Radial forces might work for that. You can submit forces with the NeoFurAsset.AddRadialForce() function. These are considered an impulse so you'll need to submit a new force every frame.

Turning on debug draw of the control points should help while you are adjusting the force values.

If you want to be a bit more adventurous, you could dig into the source and do a proper collision routine. Spheres are easiest as they are just a distance check to the center, then you can find a ray from the colliding control point to the center of the sphere, and push it out to the sphere's radius.

Boxes and capsules and such would be a lot trickier.

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