Content pathing issue?

Cory 7 years ago updated by john Michael 2 months ago 2

Hello, We're currently using UE 4.14 on our project and I've downloaded the 4.14 plugin and content. I've copied the NeoFur folder into my Content folder and when I look at the materials in the content browser all the references to parent materials and textures are broken. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

You shouldn't need to copy anything into your game's content directory (except the optional demo content if you want it), NeoFur and all of its content are encapsulated in a plugin. It should go into your project's plugin directory instead, it would look like this:


Regenerate your Visual Studio project and the engine will pick it up. If you want to see NeoFur's content in the content browser, make sure to select Show Plugin Content.

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