
how to assign multiple neofur components to skeletal mesh with material slots ?

gbernal 7 years ago updated by Valery Birch 3 years ago 8


I have a skeletal mesh that is segmented to receive multiple materials and I would like to add differnet Neofur components to each one of them. I read here that it is possible but I can't find a step by step how to do it. Could you please provide me some guidance.




These are the material slots I have on this asset:

Assuming you want NeoFur for all of your material slots, you would have 4 NeoFur components attached to the object and then you would have 4 separate NeoFur Assets in the asset database that you reference from the NeoFur component. Then one of the NeoFur assets would have a Material ID set to 0, another to 1, 2, and finally 3. And then just have the "Growth Static Mesh" or "Growth Skeletal Mesh" point to the same mesh object which, in your case, is your "Adult_Female..." mesh.

Under review


To make separate NeoFur components use different material IDs on the same mesh, you're going to need a few things.

1. You'll need X number of Neo Fur components attached to the object.

2. You'll also need X number of Neo Fur Assets.

3. On each of the Neo Fur Assets, specify the static growth mesh you would like to use as well as the growth mesh material ID you want to use.

Here's a short video of the process:

(And the link if the video doesnt show up: https://i.gyazo.com/671cb390fc6e523e91565c45a8274041.mp4)

You would then assign the NeoFur Asset reference to the asset you want to use in the NeoFur component settings.



Hi, Thank you for your quick reply.

That's what I have been trying but it stills doesn't answer my question as to where how to pass E1_neofur to element0. Take the image attached for an example.

Thank you so much!

If you open up the NeoFur asset "fmEnvato_asset" and change the "Growth Mesh Material ID" to the ID of the material, you should see the fur applied to the submesh belonging to that material ID.


These are the material slots I have on this asset:

Assuming you want NeoFur for all of your material slots, you would have 4 NeoFur components attached to the object and then you would have 4 separate NeoFur Assets in the asset database that you reference from the NeoFur component. Then one of the NeoFur assets would have a Material ID set to 0, another to 1, 2, and finally 3. And then just have the "Growth Static Mesh" or "Growth Skeletal Mesh" point to the same mesh object which, in your case, is your "Adult_Female..." mesh.

Awesome Thanks!!