
Where is the Material from the Tutorial Video?

Ballsproblem 7 years ago updated by john Michael 3 months ago 3

This video has a material example which is a lot different than any of the provided materials -

Youtube video

Is that material available anywhere? The Mobile material has a "growth" slot but not most of the other parameters and the Optimized does not have a growth slot and neither does Complex. I know enough to make my own material variant from scratch...but if I'm missing something and this thing exists somewhere I'd like to know.

Under review

The growth slot has been replaced by density & height (essentially improved and split out versions of growth).

This is definitely available in optimized and complex - it's hidden behind a boolean. You have to enable it by checking the checkbox, then the slot for the texture will be enabled.

It is such an interesting and informative post, thank you for sharing the post.5lbs of Pressure Mike Leather Coat