Under review

Bug: NeoFur Asset Growth Mesh/Morph Target reseting

Tyler 7 years ago updated by john Michael 1 month ago 3

I'm using my morph target in my growth mesh to drive fur firection. The problem is that sometimes the fur resets for no apparent reason and I have to simply reassign the skeletal growth mesh to the fur asset by dragging and dropping and it corrects itself. The fur assets is already reading this skeletal mesh with the proper naming of the morph target, so it's strange that it has to randomly be reassigned... Is this a known bug?

Under review

This isn't a known issue, that I know of. Can you elaborate on what the "fur reset" is? Are you saying the fur stops drawing entirely, with no errors? Is this ever fixed by an editor restart - or does it stay broken once it breaks?

No, the fur still draws but the direction resets to the default instead of what is specified in the morph target. And yes sometimes it will fix itself by an editor restart

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